Embracing the Chill ❄️
Vicki Donaldson Einsel Vicki Donaldson Einsel

Embracing the Chill ❄️

I have a confession: Cold is not my friend! I’m a big baby when it comes to feeling frigid. I hate it. Avoiding the cold is a constant mission for me. . .

One of my biggest fears?


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Wise and Wild
Vicki Donaldson Einsel Vicki Donaldson Einsel

Wise and Wild

My feet are free,

To breathe,

To dance upon the earth, naked,

In the beauty of turquoise waters.

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Be the Coconut 🥥
Vicki Donaldson Einsel Vicki Donaldson Einsel

Be the Coconut 🥥

My new mantra, “Be the coconut,” holds profound power for me. Revered as “God's Fruit” in many cultures, the coconut embodies wisdom.

What do coconuts teach us?

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We are Enough.
Vicki Donaldson Einsel Vicki Donaldson Einsel

We are Enough.

“Most of my life, I've struggled with female relationships and how to navigate them. Often, I feel like an outsider, constantly searching for the magic key that opens the door to the tribal tent. . . “

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Between the Fire
Vicki Donaldson Einsel Vicki Donaldson Einsel

Between the Fire

Recently, standing amidst gravestones in the beautiful Irish cemetery, above, our tour guide told stories about Irish superstitions and fears. He confessed he would rather "run through fire than walk under a ladder." In other words, he would choose the known path of burning himself instead of the unknown risk of bad luck.

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In-Between Grief
Vicki Donaldson Einsel Vicki Donaldson Einsel

In-Between Grief

My dark days made me strong. Or maybe I already was strong and they made me prove it ~ Emery Lord

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100 Day Project
Vicki Donaldson Einsel Vicki Donaldson Einsel

100 Day Project

I am participating in the #100 day project. It’s a global creative collective that sounded perfect to spark more creativity in my life. The past 6 weeks or so, I have been thinking, dreaming and obsessing about what my project would look like. What did I want to create? Learn? Bring into or back into my life? Yoga?

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Moment of Truth
Vicki Donaldson Einsel Vicki Donaldson Einsel

Moment of Truth

For the past week, I have been struggling with how to give a small glimpse of the complex, unimaginable and heart wrenching journey my family has endured. All in 5 minutes. I have literally done over 40 takes to make a video for an Autimmune Encephalitis conference taking place February 9-11, 2022. (Medical Doctors are the target audience).

The raw and painful nature of the topic made it more difficult to narrow our story down to an elevator pitch.

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Finding the Moments             In Between
Vicki Donaldson Einsel Vicki Donaldson Einsel

Finding the Moments In Between

That September day started like a normal Tuesday. The morning was sunny, clear, and crisp with a slight breeze. When I awoke, I threw open every window, letting in the cool, fresh air that hinted at fall. I was excited to get moving and begin our day. In an hour, we would head out to the farmers’ market that surrounded the Twin Towers. This had become a sort of ritual. After getting dressed, Carl, Julian, and I would leave our apartment and take the elevator down to the lobby. We would join our neighbors on sidewalks that were quickly filling with businesspeople rushing to Wall Street. Mothers like me, pushing strollers and holding toddlers’ hands, headed to the playground, store, or nursery school. Teenagers on skateboards wandered back to classes after a lazy summer. Bodega owners opened up shop. We watched the ferry shuttle workers from Jersey, and we said “Good Morning” to the cheerful man running the fruit cart as we passed. 

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I am in Between
Vicki Donaldson Einsel Vicki Donaldson Einsel

I am in Between

If I am honest with myself, it started a year ago, last May, at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York at a different personal development class. At that time I attended Anita Moorjani’s 5 day workshop, titled The Power of Transformation - Awaken to your Authentic Self. Less than two weeks before this workshop, I had no clue or awareness that I would be getting in my car, leaving my family and heading to Omega by myself. I had just devoured both of Anita’s books - “Dying to be Me” and “What if this is Heaven” in a space of two weeks. I was so bewitched by her work and her life that when I saw she was teaching at one of my happy places, Omega, I just HAD to figure out a way to go. So, I registered, which was an act of synchronicity, and 11 days later, I was unpacking my bags and heading to the Welcome session.

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Mercy Between Mayhem
Vicki Donaldson Einsel Vicki Donaldson Einsel

Mercy Between Mayhem

I awoke this morning to a text from a dear friend. It included an article about, Teaism, a favorite cafe of ours located just blocks from the White House. Besides an abundance of tea choices, Teaism serves a Coconut Miso Sipping Broth that I dream about. It’s piping hot, served in a mug with no handle and smells and taste divine. It warms my heart and soul, especially in the dead of winter.

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The Light In Between
Vicki Donaldson Einsel Vicki Donaldson Einsel

The Light In Between

am sitting at my newly cleaned desk, as big fat tears fall onto the desktop. I am crying for me. I am crying for my children. I am crying for our parents. I am crying for our sisters and their families, I am crying for all of my friends and their families. I am crying for Darnestown, for Maryland and for our country - the great United States of America. I am crying for the world.

I am devastated by the level of fear, anxiety, distrust and hatred.

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In Between Sangha
Vicki Donaldson Einsel Vicki Donaldson Einsel

In Between Sangha

Yesterday, I had an almost mystical experience that helped remind me, YES, it’s true - “The Universe Has Our Back”! (Even when we doubt that truth)

The past few weeks have been an intense period of of time. (Both beautiful and ugly) I’ve witnessed love, beauty, illness, heartbreak, kindness, selflessness, patterns, mental illness, fear, loss, heroism, miracles, pain and compassion.

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